CR81 200 Ton Mechanical Press
CR100 Furnace
CR101 Electric Furnace
CR222 1000 Tonne Four Column Hydraulic Press
CR504 Textile Material Stretching and Measuring Machine
CF514 Mechanical Shear
CR506 Pull Testing Machine
CR517 Materials Stretch Test Machine
CR544 Spectrophotometer Plasma Scanning Elemental Analysis System
Fully integrated system for sequential elemental analysis by rapid
and repeatable fast scanning techniques. Vacuum scanning monochromator
multi user multi tasking computer system. Liquid introduction via stop
flow 6 MK nebuliser system complete with tgas control electronics and sample
pump. Intelligent auto sampler system.
Brand Gabtest equipment company S/N 1523 11528LO Grand Ave. Los Angeles
California Model No. V-25 main cabinet 1360mm long 800mm deep 1600mm high
Items included:
vacuum monitor, dynavac vacuum gauge/pump, dc milliamperes guage,
hg on/off - auto control - flush control - gain control - chart raiot
control - scan rate - scan and wavelength.
GCA mcpherson instrument monochromator pls power line conditions guage
input breaker bypass out put forward poiwer control forward power regulator
argon on/off control line, sample, coolant, CR518 part of the optics equipment.
CR527 Titrate Processor
Automatic titrator, brand Methrohm
Modem 682 sample charger 674
determines balance end point when analysis is completed
CR551 Compactors
CR682 Absorbtion Spectrophotometer
Brand Techron type HCLU3 S/N113
made under licence of CSIRO
measures atomic absorption
auxilliary lamp supply scale
expounder hollow cathode power
WAAA indicator transmittence
CR682 Absorbtion Spectrophotometer
CR682 Absorbtion Spectrophotometer
CR683 Fume Extraction Cabinet
CR702-1 Length Measurement Machine
Societe Genevose
CR715 Black Thread Guage Machine in Wood and Glass Canopy
CR717 Blue Thread Guage Machine in Wood and Glass Canopy
CR2481 Shot Blast Cabinet
CR2481 Shot Blast Cabinet
CR2590 One Ton Jib Crane With Long Extension Arm on Single Rail Track
CR2625 Floor Scales
CR2739 Silo with Stand
CR3001 Oven
Cr3002 Oven